10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!
Sorry my pictures are a little blurry. I used my phone all day and you know how that goes.
I've been living in work out clothes the last week, so I wanted to dress up (literally!) for church this morning.
Finally drinking my bottled iced chai I got from Whole Foods last week. Gotta drink it in my to-go mason jar!
I went to a different church this morning and all day I've been thinking about the message. I'd say that's a good sign.
The pastor mentioned Luke 9:23 today and it's been on my heart ever since.
The pastor mentioned Luke 9:23 today and it's been on my heart ever since.
My mom took me and my sister down to Denver for the afternoon.
And we saw Monty Python Live! (Mostly).
Any day that ends with sushi is a great day.
Colorado is the best. Sorry, not sorry.
I thought I lost a 100 club sock (from Pure Barre) yesterday, so I was thrilled to find it, but not thrilled it went through the dryer.
Ending the night with some birthday cake and the Holy Grail. Yes, this poster is framed in my room.
Ending the night with some birthday cake and the Holy Grail. Yes, this poster is framed in my room.
Colorado IS the best! I spent some time there last summer and the views were breathtaking! I was sad to leave those mountains when it was time to go.