Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ten on Ten :: June 2015

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!

My favorite corner of the world.

Target is on point with dresses this season.

I'm curious to see if this changes at all in the next five years. I don't drink coffee now and I hope I never do.

Sam and I had to try the new frappucinos at Starbucks: red velvet cake and cinnamon roll.

A beautiful afternoon in Denver!

Snooze with my sisters.

Visiting my grandma and grandpa's headstone at Fort Logan Cemetary.

Ice cream at Sweet Cow. Last week I ate really well, this week I'm throwing all caution to the wind.

Throwing back to an old Instagram to showcase my favorite shoes.

It's a beautiful night in Colorado for a walk. Too bad I dropped my phone and cracked the screen.

ten on ten button

Monday, June 01, 2015

June 2015 Goals

Le'ts check in with May:

{Spiritual} Catch up with my #Bible365 reading plan. I have to say, I'm pretty shocked I was able to get through five months of reading in two months.

{Financial} Spend $0 on my credit card. I forgot about this literally on day one when I refilled my Starbucks reward card through my PayPal account and it automatically did it from my credit card instead of my debit card. (Unfortunately, it was somewhat downhill from there...)

{Social} Meet new women on the Royal Women's Retreat with Flatirons. First of all, on Thursday night, the night before, I was upset about having to spend so much time with one person in particular, so I prayed about it. The weekend with her ended up being a blast and I feel like we're closer now that we could have ever been without the retreat. The women in my discussion group on both Friday and Saturday night were older and in a different stage of life than I am, but I felt like we were able to have a great discussion both nights and we all exchanged email addresses to check in about some of the goals we set for ourselves later on. I also met new girls who would be or already are part of the young adult ministry and got to know some other ones a lot better.

{Mental} Read a book. Fail. Epic fail. Why is this so hard for me right now?! (Does reading like 5 different books in the Bible count though...?)

{Physical} Walk at least 1,000 steps a day. On May 8th, I only walked 777 according to my iPhone, but I'm calling it a win regardless.

{Personal} Stop watching Netflix to fall asleep. Once again, I did not accomplish this.

{Professional} Work on my workplace attitude. I think this is getting better!

Onto June:

{Spiritual} Finish the Sermon on the Mount SheReadsTruth devotional. Now that I'm caught up on my reading plan for the year, I need to finish the Sermon on the Mount devotional I started in April.

{Financial} Catch up to my debt pay-off goal. At the beginning of the year, I set a number I'd like to be at in terms of debt for each month. Unfortunately, I used my credit card a little more than I should have earlier this year, so I haven't been meeting that goal all year. I can catch up in June and I plan to.

{Social} Start volunteering with the young adult ministry. In May, I had to take some time off with the kids' ministry. I want to get back into it eventually, with a different service time, but for now I'm just too busy. Instead, I want to start volunteering with the young adult ministry. I'm already involved, but I want to become a leader. Right now, I'm scheduled to attend training this week, so we'll see how it goes!

{Mental} Read a book. I'll try again!

{Physical} Take my 300th Pure Barre class on the 14th. I started doing Pure Barre on July 14, 2013 and I took my 100th Pure Barre class on March 14, 2014, so I'd like to reach my 300th class on June 14, 2015. The 14th is special for me and Pure Barre! I want to keep it going!

{Personal} Be a nicer driver. I really need to do this because I have a sticker representing my church on my back window, but I also feel like I'm my absolute worst self when I'm driving. I can't believe some of the things I say to myself when people are driving how I think they should be. So I need to reel that in a bit. I've discovered that my road rage is at an all-time low when I listen to books on tape (CD, whatever), so maybe I should do that again. 

{Professional} Spend less time working. May was a little crazy and I felt like I was working all the time. I think I just need to take some time to recalibrate and relax.