Wednesday, July 15, 2015

300 Classes, 2 Years, & 1 New Job

On July 4, I signed the 300 Club barre at Pure Barre Boulder after taking my 300th class in the studio! On July 7, I started working at Pure Barre Boulder full time as the studio manager. On July 14, I celebrated my 2 year anniversary of being a client at Pure Barre Boulder. Needless to say, it's been an exciting 10 days for me at the studio

I was really hoping to sign the 300 Club barre on June 14 (since I started on July 14, 2013 and signed the 100 Club barre on March 14, 2014), but I've just been so busy recently that I just didn't have enough time to get all those classes in. So I had to settle for getting my 300th class in 10 days before my 2 year anniversary. All of my coworkers know I'm a total dork who keeps track of how many classes I take with each teacher and exactly how many classes I've done total, but my 300th class kind of snuck up on me! That week had been so crazy that I thought it was my 299th class. Anyway, it was a really great class and I was so sore the next day. I love that I still get sore from Pure Barre sometimes!

What I'm most excited about, though, is that last Tuesday, I had my first day as the full-time studio manager! (The "Hanager", if you will!) It was absolutely kismet that it worked out the way it did. All the pieces fell perfectly into place and I was able to leave my job at my dad's law office to start a new adventure! I think it's going to be a really good fit for me and I hope that I'm successful with it for a long time!

Yesterday was the anniversary of my first class at the studio. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I had signed up to take in the morning, but I hadn't slept well the night before and ended up taking the afternoon class that Sunday instead. I was hooked right away and went 9 times during the 2 weeks I had unlimited. I bought a New Client Special after that and the rest is history. I had no idea just how much those first 55 minutes would change my life! 

Follow my entire Pure Barre journey with these posts:

*guest post

Friday, July 10, 2015

Ten on Ten :: July 2015

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!
It's been five years since I've started participating in Ten on Ten. Wow!

Good morning!

Between "Pay No Mind" and "The City", Madeon has been my jam lately!

It's my fourth day at my new job! I just started managing Pure Barre Boulder full time this week!

It's been cloudy all week, so it was nice to finally see blue skies and these beauties.

This face was the first thing I saw when I walked in the door. Unfortunately they're getting big now, so they'll have their surgery and go onto the adoption floor next week.

A very late, but kind of fancy lunch.

This is how I dress for work now. Also, my second tattoo was finally on display today. I didn't think it was possible to love it more than my first, but I do.

Making cupcakes for a family BBQ because my brother comes home on leave tomorrow! (I accidentally bought the jumbo liners, but they worked perfectly!)

I saw Magic Mike XXL with a friend. I won't lie, I also saw it yesterday. And I loved it both times.

My little reading nook is coming along nicely!
ten on ten button

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

July 2015 Goals

A look back on June:

{Spiritual} Finish the Sermon on the Mount SheReadsTruth devotional. I caught up in my #Bible365 plan, then I lost fuel to keep going and I'm actually behind in that plan now too.

{Financial} Catch up to my debt pay-off goal. Nope. Just nope. The end of May and the beginning of June was nearly devastating to my credit card, so I need to get back on track.

{Social} Start volunteering with the young adult ministry. I'll admit, this one was kind of a gimme. On June 4th, I attended the new leader training before Merge and on June 20th, I had my interview with the young adult pastor.

{Mental} Read a book. I've actually been reading The World of Ice and Fire, a history predating the events of A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones), but I haven't finished it. The plan is to read that and then reread the first five books. (I'm so terrible about just reading books I've already read, so send some recommendations my way!)

{Physical} Take my 300th Pure Barre class on the 14th. Things really got away from me at Pure Barre early this month, especially with my schedule being different for two weeks. By the 14th, I was only at 295 classes.

{Personal} Be a nicer driver. I think overall I'm getting better about this. Less road rage. Less speeding. Less tailgating.

{Professional} Spend less time working. I really should have phrased this as "Take time off at Pure Barre." because that's what I meant. I was able to take some time off and work fewer hours than usual, and definitely fewer hours than May. Yeah, I miss the money (duh), but it was nice to have some evenings free that I usually spend at work!

A look ahead to July: 

{Spiritual} Make meaningful connections on the rafting trip and as a Merge leader. Last month, I started the process of becoming a leader for the young adult ministry that I've been a part of since last September. Things went well and I'm really excited about being part of that community in a different capacity. I'm also going on a rafting trip this month and I'm going to be out of my comfort zone both in rafting and because my usual group of friends isn't all going to be there. It should be fun!

{Financial} Reevaluate my finances and my financial goals. With some big changes coming up, I need to sit down and look over how I'm spending every penny and if I need to tweak anything in my budget going forward. I need to set reasonable goals regarding savings, debt, and--dare I say--maybe even a realistic timeline for buying a house! Gasp!

{Social} Spend as much time with Scott as possible. My little brother will be home for about a week after he graduates from training at Fort Eustis and before he heads off to South Korea for a year. He obviously has a lot to do in his time home, but I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with him and my family.

{Mental} Finish The World of Ice and Fire. I've been reading it here and there, but after forgetting to ask the family for the wifi password where I'm housesitting, I've been reading it before bed the last few days. (Instead of watching Netflix! YAY!)

{Physical} Take 18 Pure Barre classes. That should be a piece of cake. I've been in and out of a health slump lately, but I always feel rejuvenated at the barre in July, probably because my 2 year anniversary of Pure Barre is approaching! It's time to get back in the saddle.

{Personal} Meet the preset Fitbit goals. My Fitbit is set to get 10,000 steps, 5 miles, 2,500 calories, 10 flights of stairs, 30 active minutes, and 100 ounces of water per day. I probably won't hit each of these goals every day for the next 31 days, but I've been REALLY slacking the last couple of weeks, barely getting 5,000 steps most days and doing even worse with "active minutes". With the upcoming changes, I will be on my feet more and hopefully working out more. I at least need to make a better effort at meeting all of these.

{Professional} Kill it in my first month at my new job. More details to come on this, but I'm really excited that I'll be starting a new job (well, kind of) next week. I obviously want to do well and succeed! This is going to be an exciting adventure for me.