Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ten on Ten :: January 2016

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!

Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!

Starting the day off with episode three of Making a Murderer. (Only to start episode ten tonight.)

Nothing like a hot bath and a good candle on a cold morning.

I'm currently fostering puppies for the Humane Society. They have a long list of people who have wanted to meet them lately, so I took them to my dad's house for my aunt and cousin to meet. My little sister's best friend also came by to see them.

1 Kings 12:7

On Saturday, Finn wasn't too fond on Tango, but apparently he didn't mind him when he was locked up.

How long has it been since I've chewed bubble gum? I've never been great at blowing bubbles, though.

It's Wildcard Weekend. Of course I'm watching football! I love some good sports trivia and history, so I think it's pretty awesome that for the first time in NFL history, the home teams went 0-4 on Wildcard Weekend. So much for winning your division! I also think it's awesome that all four quarterbacks who won had previous playoff experience, while all four quarterbacks who lost had never started a playoff game before. This also means that for the first time in NFL history, there are four quarterbacks in one round of the playoffs who were drafted #1 overall. Fun facts!

Apparently I'm a dog person now. Tango and I have never been the best of friends, but he did want to snuggle during the Golden Globes. I think it was just because I was in his spot, not because he likes me now.

Could it be Leo's year for an Oscar? Probably. Stupidly, I bet against him for February. Oh well, I already beat the same friend in two different sports bets, so it's all good. Picture from @ashleyspivey on Instagram.

 The pups were all tuckered out from a big weekend. Not quite sure how Rey thinks this is comfortable, but to each their own!

ten on ten button

Monday, January 04, 2016

January 2016 Goals

Let's take a look back at December

{Spiritual} Complete the SheReadsTruth Advent plan. I got exactly 50% of the way through it. Sigh.

{Financial} Spend no more than 25% of what I spend on myself. Well, I've already put away my 2015 planner so I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but I think this was also a fail. I didn't eat out a ton. I didn't shop for my self hardly at all. But I did see a lot of movies.

{Social} Make the most of the holiday season. Unfortunately I got bitten by the bah-humBUG for a whole week in December. While I did go to the Parade of Lights in Denver, I didn't really enjoy it all that much. I skipped out on Zoo Lights. I did a few holiday activities, but not much as I would have liked. By the time I was back to being excited about Christmastime, I was too tired to do much of anything. Is this what being an adult is?

{Mental} Keep up with my journals daily. Daily? No. Did I have to play catch up? Yes. Did I complete all of December? Yes. So...let's call it a win just because none of the others were.
{Physical} Don't gain "holiday weight". Such a fail. I was already on a bad path before Thanksgiving and the cookies and eggnog didn't help. I've gained almost 10 pounds since I was off sugar in September.

{Personal} Figure out what, realistically, what I can afford in terms of buying a car and a house in the near and not-so-near future. No. I need to do that this month.

{Professional} Bring in more new clients than last month
. Close, but no cigar.

So now 2016 begins

{Spiritual} Start the Bible in a Year plan again. I'm determined to finish it in 2016. On my first try, I got through June 5th and 42% of the way. I want to approach it differently this year, so hopefully I can keep up with it for 366 days.

{Financial} Figure out, realistically, what I can afford in terms of buying a car and a house in the near and not-so-near future. I didn't do this in December, so I need to do it now..

{Social} Give more as a leader at Merge. I've been in a terrible slump the last few months. Serving with Merge has honestly become a chore to me. But they have a lot of new changes they're implementing this semester, so I'm willing to stick it out and give it another go, but I also need to adjust my attitude and be more open-minded to it.

{Mental} Kick my sleep aide habit. For a long time, I've taken an over-the-counter sleep aide before bed. I think the help is all in my head at this point. When I ran out last week, I was able to sleep without it and when I went to bed really late, I didn't wake up as drowsy because I hadn't taken a sleep aide that had yet to wear off. I have plenty of bad sleep habits (like falling asleep with Netflix on), but I'm ready to take steps to fix them.
{Physical} Get back into working out. I think I took about five Pure Barre classes in December and I didn't really do much of anything else. I need to get back to the grind now that I've adequately rested my knee. Granted, I have a doctor's appointment to hopefully start to get to the bottom of this knee pain in January, but as of right now, the plan is MOVE!

{Personal} Stop drinking soda. After I discovered the hard way that caffeine affects me now, I stopped drinking soda almost altogether. I've gotten fairly bad about that now and order a Coke more than I should.

{Professional} Update the Front Desk Manual
. I did this when I first got my job in July, but six months later I'm seeing where it's lacking and I really need to put more detail in it so there are fewer questions and more consistency.

Friday, January 01, 2016

Farewell 2015


After ringing in the New Year with friends from church, I spent the first day of the year watching bowl games and had my first day in charge of the Pure Barre Boulder Instagram account. I went to my first CU basketball game of the year and cheered them on while they beat UCLA for the first time since joining the Pac-12. On the 3rd, we threw a going away party for my little brother who was joining the Army (and I made a second camouflage cake). The next day, we went out to dinner with Scott’s girlfriend’s family and said goodbye to him before he flew out for basic training. I spent some time watching the NFL play-offs, even though the Broncos played horribly in the second round against the Colts. I did my third three-day juice cleanse with some ladies at Pure Barre and it felt amazing to reset my body! I received some of the coolest oils I have: the 12 Oils in Ancient Scripture kit, which is made up of oils from the Bible and oils that Jesus used in his teaching and healings. My family went on a cross-country ski trip and I took my little sister and Maddi, Scott’s girlfriend, to Pure Barre. My mom and I drove to Salt Lake City so I could volunteer at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City for the second year. I worked at the Park City Library again and had such a blast. I didn’t see as many films as the year before, but I saw so many celebrities, which was incredible. When I got home, I had to take my kittens—Buddy, Jovie, and Susie—back to the humane society, where they almost immediately got adopted. I wrapped up January with my sister Cady when we went to see the final two episodes of season 4 of Game of Thrones in IMAX. That was so cool.

Favorite Post of the Month: Ten on Ten :: January 2015


Of course February kicked off, quite literally, with the Superbowl. I was less than excited about who was playing, but the Seahawks seemed like the lesser of two evils. I started a small group with some girls from church to discuss the workbook that my church published to go along with their first series of the year, Basic Training. Doing that was truly the highlight of my month. Valentine’s Day was pretty low key for me. My dad sent me a rose and a poem, I went to a Galentine’s Day party at Jump City with some girlfriends, and spent Valentine’s Day night at church and then hanging out with friends from church at my favorite cidery. The next day, my dad and step mom got a new puppy and named him Tango. Colorado got its dose of #snowpocalypse2015 and my dad turned 66. I hosted my 3rd annual Oscars party and it was a blast! It has quickly become one of my favorite traditions. At Pure Barre Boulder, I took my 250th class and was offered a new opportunity: to take over the studio’s newsletter! I started a 28 day teatox toward the end of the month and also completed my first month in my new 5 Year Journal, which I absolutely love! Just before the release of season 3, I jumped on the House of Cards bandwagon and truly binged the first two seasons, watching all 26 episodes in less than 5 days. On the last day of the month, I decided to get a drastic new hair cut.

Favorite Post of the Month: Sundance :: Days 1 thru 5


I jumped head first into March with some new goals, including starting a prayer journal and writing in it once a day. I kept up with House of Cards and finished season 3 quickly. I took my first 6:30AM class at Pure Barre and enjoyed it a whole heck of a lot more than I thought I would! On the first Saturday of the month, I headed up to Camp IdRaHaJe near Bailey, CO for a quick getaway (actually called The Getaway) with some other young adults from church. It ended up being just the 18 hours away that I needed and it was made even more meaningful that it was at the camp where I became a Christian 12 and a half years earlier. I finally got some letters from my little brother at Basic Training in South Carolina (dated in February) and I even splurged and bought myself a new purse that I’m still obsessed with. It was about time. March Madness, one of my favorite times of the sporting year kicked off and my family and I headed to the east coast for Scott’s graduation at Fort Jackson. It was so great to be able to spend a few days with him, see the base where he had lived for 10 weeks and drop him off at Fort Eustis in Virginia before heading back to Colorado. I took my second-ever class at Beat Cycle and helped Starbucks celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the frappuccino with the Birthday Cake Frapp (yum!) and began counting down to the Game of Thrones premiere. My sisters and I, with help from my nephew, celebrated my mom’s birthday with a delicious brunch. Most of my free time was spent catching up on television (what’s new?) and hanging out with friends!

Favorite Post of the Month: 3rd Annual Academy AwardsParty


I decided to start the She Reads Truth Bible in a Year reading plan on April 1st and immediately got really into it. I went out dancing with some girl friends from church, which was an absolute blast, and celebrated Easter in the same weekend. I spent time with my sisters and missing my little brother, especially on his 20th birthday, who was at Fort Eustis, Virginia. One weekend, I ran point at the Beauty and Balance Weekend at Pure Barre and it couldn’t have gone better. I put a lot of work into the event leading up to it and my bosses were in New York City teaching at the national event, so it was amazing to do a good job! I threw my third annual Game of Thrones viewing party, even bigger and better than ever before. I anxiously awaited the release of the NFL schedule, celebrated Earth Day by recycling and posting on Instagram, got sicker than I’ve been in a while, and took pictures for my little sister before her junior prom. I auditioned to be a teacher at Pure Barre, and while I didn’t get it, the owners said I surprised them with how well I did and encouraged me to audition again next time, which is more than I could have asked for! My dad decided to play hookie from work one day and take me and my sisters to Denver for brunch at our favorite place, Snooze, and a visit to the Denver Art Museum. It was such a great day and a great wrap on the month.

Favorite Post of the Month: Game of Thrones Season 5 Party


I had been looking forward to May 1st for quite some time, because it meant the arrival of the 2015 spring women’s retreat at my church. I drove up with Tia and Cheryl and I came back a changed woman. It was one of the most incredible weekends of my life.  I skipped out on Cinco de Mayo celebrations, as per usual, but I did assist my dad in a jury trial that day. It was a pretty cool experience, helping to pick the jury, I gotta say. Colorado got hit with another weeklong rainstorm, which caused flooding in some places, but it wasn’t as bad as September 2013, probably because of the damage that still remains from that flood. My sisters and I took my mom to afternoon tea at the St. Julien hotel in Boulder and it was so much fun. Afternoon tea has become something of a Mother’s Day tradition for us and this was my favorite way to do it so far. On Mother’s Day, I had to work another special event at Pure Barre, but then my mom and I went to see Avengers 2: Age of Ultron and I wrapped up the day with a casual Game of Thrones watch party, as became the weekly tradition during season five.  I celebrated with some friends who had just graduated from CU and Colorado continued to be gloomy and rainy. My mom completed the remodel on my new bathroom so I was able to move into my new space. We kicked off summer with a big party at a hangar for Merge and I had a low-key Memorial Day, without any red, white, and blue, or burgers. I played laser tag again for the first time in about fifteen years and I got another haircut.

Favorite Post of the Month: 12 Months of Budgeting {No LookingBack}


I bought a Fitbit at the beginning of June and it immediately changed my life! Merge started the Summer Nights series and I attended a training to become a Merge leader. My sisters and I celebrated my oldest sister’s birthday at a new restaurant in town before I went out in downtown Denver to a speakeasy. I attended an open house at my brother-in-law’s fire department and got to see him in action for the first time. My cousin’s daughter had her first birthday party and I hung out with Ashley the last few times before she moved to Oregon for grad school. We went out for Tia’s birthday and I took my last Pure Barre class from my friend Jessica. My sisters and I headed down to the Denver go to brunch at Snooze at Union Station and then to visit my grandparents’ headstone at Fort Logan National Cemetery. I got to dogsit for a friend and spent the weekend hanging out with his dog Jordy. I got together with some friends to watch the Game of Thrones season 5 finale and wore my “House Stark” shirt for the occasion. On the 16th, I picked up a new trio of foster kittens and named them Dandelion, Lil’ Boo, and Red in honor of the third season of Orange is the New Black. I also won a bet on the NBA Finals that day! A few days later, I accepted a new position at Pure Barre Boulder and started to make arrangements to go full time at the studio in early July. It was literally a dream come true! I hung out with Merge at a beautiful lake house for the weekly activity and then interviewed for a position as a Merge leader a few days later. We celebrated Father's Day with a BBQ at my dad's house, Skyping my little brother from Virginia, then I met up with a friend to celebrate her engagement and my new job! I ended the month dog sitting and preparing to wrap up my job with my dad's law office.

Favorite Post of the Month: Ten on Ten :: June 2015


I kicked off July with one major step: I started using colored pens in my planner! (That was seriously huge for me. Now I can't imagine going back.) I had my last day at my dad's office on July 2nd, when we celebrated with a big sushi lunch. I hung out with friends over the July 4th weekend and even took my 300th class are Pure Barre Boulder on July 4th. On the 7th, I had my first day as the full-time studio manager at Pure Barre Boulder and I could not have been happier! At the end of the week, my little brother came home for leave before shipping off to South Korea where he would be stationed for a year. We celebrated with lots of family activities, like BBQs, Rockies games, and ice cream! I took my OITNB kittens in for surgery, where two of them got adopted right away. I went on a rafting trip with Merge, where I rafted for the first time ever and also got a horrible sunburn from wearing capris in the raft. (A tan line I still have to this day!) I got Lil' Boo back for a little while so she could recover from a cold and my cousin and her daughter came to visit. "Why y'all got cats?" Kenzie wanted to know! I enjoyed my Mondays off by hanging out with friends and getting outside to explore Colorado. I dogsat again and I went down to Colorado Springs to go to brunch at the world famous Broadmoor Hotel with my dad, step mom, and sister. I even got my guy friends to go to Pure Barre with me, even though I got a speeding ticket on the way there.

Favorite Post of the Month: 300 Classes, 2 Years, & 1 New Job


I kicked off the month by babysitting overnight so their mom could do the Boulder Ironman. I went to the Boulder County Fair, which is always in town around my birthday. I did SUP Yoga on the Boulder Reservoir and had an absolute blast, despite falling in. I baked cupcakes with my sister for a wedding I was going to and then headed up to Grand Lake for my birthday weekend and the wedding. I got to hang out with my mom and sister all weekend and celebrate two of my friends and their beautiful love and my 25th birthday. (Plus I made amazing pumpkin spice cupcakes!) I hung out with friends, taking advantage of all the amazing patios and rooftops Colorado summers have to offer. My sister and I celebrated our birthdays with the family at The Med, a Boulder staple that I had never been to before. We had our first--and apparently only--book club meeting where we discussed Fight Club. I had my first (of three) fantasy football drafts and started a new side job picking up kids from school two days a week. Merge kicked off for the new semester and I got to continue volunteering as a leader. At the end of the month, I had to interview a handful of girls for front desk positions at work, which was an awesome experience, especially since I did all of it myself! I got to practice Pure Barre's new Platform class with some of the teachers after hours, which was awesome to get a sneak peek and one-on-one classes at the same time. We had another Bring on the Men class at the studio and I planned for a big month of September at work. I ended the month with my apparently annual pedicure and a date with my mom to see The Book of Mormon, which did not disappoint!

Favorite Post of the Month: Grand Lake in August
{Which I actually published in December.}


It was a busy month at work. I was still in the midst of interviewing and training for the front desk openings, we did our annual Bingo challenge, and we were one of the few test studios to launch Pure Barre Platform early. I had my second fantasy football draft, where I actually went to a draft party, ate pizza, drank beer, and participated in my first-ever auction draft. I'm pretty sure that makes me "one of the guys". On Labor Day, I voluntarily woke up with the sun to try Orange Theory for the first time before work. After work, I dragged my friend to brunch since she dragged me to Orange Theory. We decided to give up sugar starting that day. We figured the 7th was perfect since I had started my job on July 7th (and started tracking my food and exercise more closely) and she was getting married on November 7th. I watched the NFL kick off with the kiddos I was babysitting, then got to go to the first CU game of the season two days later. We had our staff BBQ that afternoon, which is always a blast to get together with people outside of the studio. In September I just worked a lot and watched a lot of football. I did SUP Yoga for the last time of the season at night on Union Reservoir, which was actually pretty chilly. Over the first day of fall, I spent three days in Telluride by myself. I actually love traveling by myself. It would have been nice to split the driving with someone since it's an 8+ hour drive, but all the fall colors and the beautiful town itself made it all worth it. On my way home, I almost died a few times when I accidentally went over Ophir Pass to see the Million Dollar Highway. September ended with our first-ever Tuck in the Dark class at Pure Barre where we illuminated the studio with black lights and wore glow sticks during class. It was so much fun!

Favorite Post of the Month: Telluride in September
{Which I actually published in December.} 

It's always good when someone in the family has a birthday, because that usually means Snooze! We went to Snooze to celebrate Sam's 18th birthday, then I went to the CU-Oregon game with my dad, my sister, and my brother-in-law. Interestingly enough, I lost my driver's license that night, October 3rd. The only other time I had lost it was on October 3rd the previous year when I went to a Vanilla Ice concert at The Grizzly Rose. I picked up new kittens from the humane society and named them Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde. I started playing trivia again, this time with some friends from church, but it was good to be able to put all my useless knowledge to use again! I got to see Bernie Sanders speak at CU, marking the first time I had ever seen a politician speak, even though I had opportunities to hear both Barack and Michelle Obama. We said "See You Later" to my cousin and her little family as they joined the other half of my extended family in the Pacific Northwest, chalking up one more reason to visit Seattle and Portland, as if there weren't enough already! I spent a Sunday morning in Breckenridge with Sam and her boyfriend Walker, once again seeing the beautiful fall colors and exploring one of Colorado's many mountain towns. My friend JP finally paid off our NBA Finals bet by treating me to a sushi dinner in Downtown Denver. It was definitely worth the wait! I looked back on some 2014 family photos to realize that exactly 1 year before, my mom had insisted I wear a Pure Barre tank in our sibling picture to signify our passions and interests. It was crazy to think that a year later I would be working for the studio full time and loving Pure Barre more than ever! And speaking of Pure Barre (because do I ever speak of anything else?), I got more guy friends to join me in class, which is always a blast. We had a Merge Community Night at Anderson Farms where we had a bonfire, drank hot chocolate, raced pedal carts, and failed at the corn maze. The studio had Pink Week in honor of breast cancer awareness. I boycotted Halloween, as usual, but kinda sorta dressed up as Adele for the Merge costume contest. (And obviously didn't win.)

Favorite Post of the Month: Breckenridge in October
{Which I actually published in December.}


November 2015 will go down as the month I spent with celebrities! But let's start at the beginning. I had the opportunity to do some consulting for another fitness studio in town and just talk to them about what my role was and how they could incorporate that into their business. That was pretty cool. During the first weekend of the month, I went on the second Merge Getaway, this time to "beautiful" Como, Colorado. While it wasn't quite the experience I was looking for, I had the opportunity to meet new people and get to know old friends even better. I wouldn't trade that for the world! The following weekend, I headed to LA with my family. I was beyond excited to visit the city for the first time and to attend the wedding of a family friend! We did some sightseeing that Saturday, hitting up the Hollywood Sign, Rodeo Drive, In-N-Out, Santa Monica Pier, and the Urban Lights at LACMA. The next day, we attended the beautiful wedding. Also in attendance was the cast of iCarly. But even without some celebrity spottings, it was one of the most beautiful and magical (as in Lord of the Rings magical!) weddings I've ever attended. The next day, one of my friends sent me a link to a article covering the wedding, which used my Instagram photo. My Instagram totally blew up. It was crazy and overwhelming! We had a turkey drive with Merge, where maybe 100 young adults (18 to 26) bought 230 turkeys to donate to Sister Carmen for Thanksgiving. Incredible! I went down to Colorado Springs with some friends for Friendsgiving, which was of course a blast! We had a Merge leader Thanksgiving dinner, which included tears of laughter and delicious food. And since I had to work (which included an amazing staff Platform class taught by Platform Queen Herself, Mish), I had a Thanksgiving feast with more friends. We spent the rest of the day watching football, like you're supposed to do. I did some light Black Friday shopping...I can't help it, I work on a mall. On the first Sunday of Advent, I even started decorating for Christmas. November 29th might be a record. I watched the Broncos hand the Patriots their first loss of the season with some friends. The next night, I attended Wesley Woodyard's 6th Annual Toy Drive for his 16 Ways Foundation. I got to meet Brandon Marshall and Demariyus Thomas, along with some other Broncos--past and present. It was so awesome! We got to tour the Downtown Aquarium without anyone else there and I ended up winning Broncos tickets from the silent auction. All while helping kids in the area!

Favorite Post of the Month: Los Angeles in November
{Which I actually published in December.}


We got our Christmas tree on December 1st, which I know is another record. Even if it wasn't up in the house or decorated for another few days. The next day, I broke my glasses first thing in the morning and had to wear my glasses without one earpiece for over a week. Thankfully they stayed on my face without it and were even straight! I set up my third annual hot chocolate bar to relax after a crazy day at work and decorated the Pure Barre lobby for the holidays. We had our staff holiday party at the studio early in the month. We all wore pajamas (or even onesies) and watch Magic Mike XXL and exchanged white elephant gifts. It was so much fun...even the clean up wasn't half bad! The next day, I went to Snooze for brunch and attended the Denver Parade of Lights that night, just like  I did the first Saturday in December 2014. The next day, we decorated up our Christmas tree and watch the Broncos game. On December 10th, my sister Rachel got pinned for nursing school. The following Saturday, she graduated from Regis after completing a less-than-one-year accelerated program. So proud of her! Pure Barre Boulder celebrated our five year anniversary with a three day celebration. I went to my third-ever Broncos game after winning tickets at the silent auction in November, so I took Rachel. We had a blast! The Merge leaders had their annual Christmas party which included all-you-can-eat Italian food, ridiculous white elephant gifts, cozy hoodies, and wonderful people. I went to a paint-you-own-pottery place with some friends, which will hopefully be the beginning of a new tradition. We shut the place down and laughed till our cheeks hurt. I celebrated people I love graduating and went to the Christmas Eve service almost a week before Christmas Eve. My stepmom, little sister, and I had our annual afternoon of frosting cookies before I went over to my grandparents for a Christmas party and the Broncos game. My little brother came home for Christmas, which was absolutely wonderful and made our traditional Christmas Eve even better. I got to spend lots of quality family time over Christmas and managed to squeeze in watching the previous six Star Wars movies. 2015 closed out with a bitterly cold week, some slow days at work, and lots of great times with friends and family.

Favorite Post of the Month: Ten on Ten :: December 2015