Monday, January 04, 2016

January 2016 Goals

Let's take a look back at December

{Spiritual} Complete the SheReadsTruth Advent plan. I got exactly 50% of the way through it. Sigh.

{Financial} Spend no more than 25% of what I spend on myself. Well, I've already put away my 2015 planner so I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but I think this was also a fail. I didn't eat out a ton. I didn't shop for my self hardly at all. But I did see a lot of movies.

{Social} Make the most of the holiday season. Unfortunately I got bitten by the bah-humBUG for a whole week in December. While I did go to the Parade of Lights in Denver, I didn't really enjoy it all that much. I skipped out on Zoo Lights. I did a few holiday activities, but not much as I would have liked. By the time I was back to being excited about Christmastime, I was too tired to do much of anything. Is this what being an adult is?

{Mental} Keep up with my journals daily. Daily? No. Did I have to play catch up? Yes. Did I complete all of December? Yes. So...let's call it a win just because none of the others were.
{Physical} Don't gain "holiday weight". Such a fail. I was already on a bad path before Thanksgiving and the cookies and eggnog didn't help. I've gained almost 10 pounds since I was off sugar in September.

{Personal} Figure out what, realistically, what I can afford in terms of buying a car and a house in the near and not-so-near future. No. I need to do that this month.

{Professional} Bring in more new clients than last month
. Close, but no cigar.

So now 2016 begins

{Spiritual} Start the Bible in a Year plan again. I'm determined to finish it in 2016. On my first try, I got through June 5th and 42% of the way. I want to approach it differently this year, so hopefully I can keep up with it for 366 days.

{Financial} Figure out, realistically, what I can afford in terms of buying a car and a house in the near and not-so-near future. I didn't do this in December, so I need to do it now..

{Social} Give more as a leader at Merge. I've been in a terrible slump the last few months. Serving with Merge has honestly become a chore to me. But they have a lot of new changes they're implementing this semester, so I'm willing to stick it out and give it another go, but I also need to adjust my attitude and be more open-minded to it.

{Mental} Kick my sleep aide habit. For a long time, I've taken an over-the-counter sleep aide before bed. I think the help is all in my head at this point. When I ran out last week, I was able to sleep without it and when I went to bed really late, I didn't wake up as drowsy because I hadn't taken a sleep aide that had yet to wear off. I have plenty of bad sleep habits (like falling asleep with Netflix on), but I'm ready to take steps to fix them.
{Physical} Get back into working out. I think I took about five Pure Barre classes in December and I didn't really do much of anything else. I need to get back to the grind now that I've adequately rested my knee. Granted, I have a doctor's appointment to hopefully start to get to the bottom of this knee pain in January, but as of right now, the plan is MOVE!

{Personal} Stop drinking soda. After I discovered the hard way that caffeine affects me now, I stopped drinking soda almost altogether. I've gotten fairly bad about that now and order a Coke more than I should.

{Professional} Update the Front Desk Manual
. I did this when I first got my job in July, but six months later I'm seeing where it's lacking and I really need to put more detail in it so there are fewer questions and more consistency.

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