Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One Year with Pure Barre Boulder

On July 14, 2013, I took my very first class at Pure Barre Boulder. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I tried to come prepared. I had my midriff covered, my capris on, my socks on, and I had tried to do a little research online beforehand (watching some YouTube videos and looking for any and all blog posts about it). It was different than anything I had done before, but I felt like I had hooked immediately. I had purchased two weeks of unlimited classes and I wanted to make it to 10 classes (I only took 9 in the first two weeks), so I went back the next day even though my abs were more sore than they've ever been. I immediately signed up for the new client special once my two weeks ran up and then started planning how I could continue to take classes.

Exactly eight months later, I completed my 100th class and signed the barre, officially joining the 100 Club (and with sticky socks to boot)! My goal is to make it to 300 classes (to join the 300 Club) before July 14, 2015, and I'm well on my way. Last night I took my 159th class! (It was more like hot barre since the AC had been out that evening, so I definitely earned that 159th class!)

In the year that I've been attending classes at Pure Barre, I've seen a lot of changes in myself. I've accomplished things I didn't know I could accomplish, but I still have lots of room to grow and lots of areas to get stronger. I've shared my love for Pure Barre with friends and family (I just tell everyone they have to try it to get it!) and I even started working the front desk in May. I'm so thankful for the people I've met through Pure Barre, the growth I've seen in myself, and finally finding a work out I truly love. I feel like Pure Barre is a way of life and it's certainly how I want to live my life for many years to come!

I've written about my journey with Pure Barre many times before. Check out some of my other posts or send me an email with any questions!

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