Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Tree of Life

First and foremost, I want to highlight a new hobby Hurley (my male cat) has picked up.  The other morning before work, I had just hopped out of the shower while Rachel was downstairs eating breakfast.  She had run downstairs for a moment and upon her arrival back to the main floor, she was calling for me to hurry downstairs.  I obliged and immediately saw what she was talking about.

There was a mouse lying on its back in the middle of our dining room.  Clearly dead.  Apparently Hurley had killed the mouse earlier (probably during play) and brought it out for Rachel later.  A few mornings later, my mom heard a mouse in the wall. 

A little while later when she went downstairs, she found a mouse head (and shoulders) on the floor in the living room.  She suspects Hurley got a little excited with playtime and bit down a little too hard, eventually eating the bottom half (or two-thirds).

All grossness aside, we have good news!  On Sunday (August 28th), I stopped by the humane society to pick up two new kittens.  They were originally going to give us a group of four, but they said they were in no condition to be out in foster care, so they gave us this younger pair instead.

Twig was brought it on her own sometime last week, followed the next day by her brother Leif.  Animal Control found the two kittens on separate occasions, but in the exact same location.  Who knows if there were more, but they were both alone and very scared.

Twig is a little more shy than her brother.  They said she hisses at people, but we haven't seen too much of that.  She hides behind the toilet a lot.  Leif is a little more friendly, but neither are too into people yet.  So far, I've just been going into my bathroom to sit on the floor and be otherwise occupied so they can approach me.  A handful of days in, and they're still not curling up on my lap yet.

In the last few days, we've seen them get a lot more playful towards each other and a little less timid around us.  They'll approach us--or at least our feet--but they'll take some work.

They're both 7 weeks old and gray tabbies.  I can't wait to have these guys for a while and get them as well trained as Bea and Lucy were!

By the way, Leif is in the blue and Twig is in the yellow.  I tried to stay away from the classic boy and girl colors, but I was stuck with the blue.

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