{Spiritual} Finish The New Rules of Love, Sex, and Dating and start a new relationship series. We finished The New Rules of Love, Sex, and Dating and had a lot of great conversations about it. We decided to go a different route and listed to an old series from Flatirons called Excuses after that. The routine of listening to one podcast and discussing each week has been great though.
{Financial} Use my envelopes 100% of the time. Fail. But I'd love to actually do this for an entire month and see what it feels like. I know it won't be easy but I know it will be worth it.
{Social} Meet with someone from Merge once a week during the hiatus. Unfortunately this just didn't happen.
{Mental} Finish a book. So close. Dang it!
{Physical} Take 3 Pure Barre classes and 1 Platform class per week. Kind of, but not really.
{Personal} Give up dairy. Almost. I definitely need to be more restrictive with this because I feel better without dairy.
{Professional} Make serious headway with all of our awesome events coming up in the next few months. Success! I'm so excited for the stuff we have in store! The rest of the year is going to be so busy, but so fun!
{Spiritual} Prepare to lead a small group. I'm not quite sure who is going to be in my group, but it's looking like I'm going to be leading a small group through the school year. That's a major step for me and not something I take lightly.
{Financial} Don't spend on my credit cards at all. I mean, self-explanatory, right?
{Social} Connect with 5 people I don't really know at the Young Adults Retreat. Merge is headed up to the mountains this month for a fall retreat and I'd love to come back with a few more friends than I left with.
{Mental} Start Sudoku again. After a reminder of how important it is to stay sharp, I realized how much I miss doing Sudoku all the time. I need to invest in a good book or something.
{Physical} Take 3 Pure Barre classes and 1 Platform class per week. I'd love to get into this habit and actually make it a habit.
{Personal} Don't buy breakfast. It's just cheaper, isn't it? Since I have to be at work so early, I'm in the habit of hitting up Starbucks in the morning. Instead, I should be having something healthier and cheaper at home (or at work). Plus, the return of Pumpkin-O's at Trader Joe's should be upon us soon!
{Professional} Finish the Front Desk Manual. Creating a training manual has been haunting me for ages. Instead, I want to make a more comprehensive Front Desk Manual. I made a lot of headway with it in August, but I need to finish it and somehow convince all the girls to read every last word!
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