10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!
Arm wrestling before breakfast burritos. Isn't that what you always do? I'm babysitting this week, so I had some breakfast company.
I usually listen to Mike & Mike in the morning and since today is the first day of the NFL season, it is no exception.
Used my third class at BOCO Fit this morning. I forgot that it was my final time on this cycle of ClassPass, so now I don't get to go again until the 28th.
Collapsed on my bed to respond to some emails for a minute and Hurley immediately cuddled up next to me. Who is this guy?!
This is what happens when you have two incorrect orders, four hungry people, and one birthday girl. You only remember to take a photo after you've feasted on Chick-Fil-A.
To be honest, I'm surprised I'm still going strong on my Five Year Journal. This wasn't my favorite day though.
I got my Essential Rewards order from Young Living in the mail and I can't wait to use this one! I want to slowly get the INFUSED 7 kit of Faith, Fitness, Finance, Friends, Family, Field, and Fun, so I'm starting with this one. This one is much-needed because as I've gotten busier with my new job and new responsibilities over the last 2 months, I've unfortunately let my active faith fall down on the priorities list.
It doesn't look (or feel) like September 10th outside. I walked through the park to go pick up the kiddo from school. Somehow he has now convinced me to carry his backpack home two days in a row.
Entertaining little sister (and myself) on the swings while big brother is at soccer practice.
After story time, I get to kick back and watch (fantasy) football. I'm in three leagues this year and have players playing on two of my teams. On one, I have Julian Edleman and Antonio Brown. On the most important one, I have Rob Gronkowski and Julian Edleman.
Arm wrestling before breakfast burritos. Isn't that what you always do? I'm babysitting this week, so I had some breakfast company.
I usually listen to Mike & Mike in the morning and since today is the first day of the NFL season, it is no exception.
Used my third class at BOCO Fit this morning. I forgot that it was my final time on this cycle of ClassPass, so now I don't get to go again until the 28th.
Collapsed on my bed to respond to some emails for a minute and Hurley immediately cuddled up next to me. Who is this guy?!
This is what happens when you have two incorrect orders, four hungry people, and one birthday girl. You only remember to take a photo after you've feasted on Chick-Fil-A.
To be honest, I'm surprised I'm still going strong on my Five Year Journal. This wasn't my favorite day though.
I got my Essential Rewards order from Young Living in the mail and I can't wait to use this one! I want to slowly get the INFUSED 7 kit of Faith, Fitness, Finance, Friends, Family, Field, and Fun, so I'm starting with this one. This one is much-needed because as I've gotten busier with my new job and new responsibilities over the last 2 months, I've unfortunately let my active faith fall down on the priorities list.
It doesn't look (or feel) like September 10th outside. I walked through the park to go pick up the kiddo from school. Somehow he has now convinced me to carry his backpack home two days in a row.
Entertaining little sister (and myself) on the swings while big brother is at soccer practice.
After story time, I get to kick back and watch (fantasy) football. I'm in three leagues this year and have players playing on two of my teams. On one, I have Julian Edleman and Antonio Brown. On the most important one, I have Rob Gronkowski and Julian Edleman.
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