Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ten on Ten :: September 2014

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!

It's that time of year when it's freezing in the mornings and sweltering in the afternoons. So my outfit was only comfy and cozy for half the day.

It was cold and rainy this morning. And I woke up with a sore throat, which always makes me want a hot chai from Starbucks.

I love my planner and I love getting my next month in order early.

I had to notarize some documents at work today. I won't lie, it's my favorite part of my job.

King Soopers recently put in a made-to-order sushi bar. I can't complain. I also recently started watching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. I'm two seasons in, but I'm not totally hooked yet.

Just like September 10, 2013, there were puddles all over the parking lot. Here's hoping that doesn't lead to days of floods again.

I've been playing fantasy football this year. Two weeks in and I'm obsessed. Last week I got the trophy for the worst loss, but I'm projected to win this week.  Yay!

 I always get excited when I see this special tubes in the studio. Pure Barre kicked my seat today. And I needed it.

There's nothing better than a Colorado sunset. I wish I had my camera on the drive home because my phone doesn't do it justice.

Nothing makes a bath better than these red velvet cupcakes.

ten on ten button


  1. I've got to say it....I can't believe you're not watched It's Always Sunny before now!! I think I've watched every episode three times and they are still funny! <3

  2. Love Pure Barre! It's the best workout!
    Jenna from Visions of Vogue
