Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Four Months of Budgeting

It's been a while since I've written about my budget, hasn't it? I won't lie, things haven't been easy around here and I've continued to struggle with it since I wrote my last post at the end of July. But while I've continued to cut back on dining out, recently I've been shopping more and fall is to blame. I've been spending small amounts at a time, a new scarf here, a new flannel shirt there, etc., and now it's starting to add up. My clothing envelope has been empty for about three pay periods now because I haven't even taken that money out of my account since I had already spent it. So I need to stop that, like yesterday.

I've been keeping some numbers along the way, just to track my progress. In June, my first month of the budget, I spent 39% of my average spending for the year. In July, I spent 104% of my average spending for the year, more than twice as much as what I spent in June, because of my trip to New York City. In August, I dipped back down and spent 81% of what I had spent earlier in the year. This month, I am again at 81% of my average yearly spending, but somehow I feel further away from my savings goals and I don't quite know why.

It's sometimes difficult to remember how good it feels to put extra money away into savings and see that total get bigger and bigger. Or to pay a little extra toward my credit card debt. Sometimes I forget about that when I'm driving past Chick-Fil-A on my way home for lunch or when I see something I "must have" for my wardrobe. I don't think there's any special tips or tricks for that, it's just a matter of telling myself no. I think they call that self control?

The good news is, though, that I have three more car payments and then I'm D-O-N-E. I cannot wait to have my car completely paid off before the new year. And while that won't free up a ton of money for me (I was so lucky to get a small car payment thanks to an awesome credit score two years ago), I already know that money is going toward paying off the rest of my debt so I can hopefully be debt-free by June 2015. That's going to be a huge milestone for me financially and I cannot wait!

Here's hoping October will be even better.

Read my other budget posts here:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Pure Barre Bingo + 200 Classes

This month at Pure Barre Boulder, we've been playing Bingo and it has been a BLAST! Everyone has a board hanging in the back hallway and we get one stamp per day. It's been such a great way to build the community at the studio, as well as sparking some friendly competition. I won't lie, the prizes are AWESOME. Obviously the goal is to black out your board before the 30th, but you also get prizes for completing full rows. For me, it's been great motivation to work out more frequently.

The boxes include taking a class from certain teachers or at certain times, challenging yourself in class to stay in position during specific exercises, getting more involved at the studio by purchasing retail or participating in the Pure Give day (making a donation to Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence), and other ways to increase your health like drinking 64 ounces of water a day or attending a certain number of classes in a week.

My goal was to make it to my 200th class by September 14th, but I fell victim to poor planning in August and September, so I took my 200th class on the 20th instead. Whatever, I'll survive because it's no less exciting. At Pure Barre Boulder, we have clubs for your 100th, 300th, and 500th class, so I still have another 100 classes to go before I get to sign the barre again, but my goal is to make there before March 14, 2015. (My previous goal was July 14, 2015 but I'm going to crush it.) I basically only need to attend 15 classes a month to make it and I've been doing about that lately.

Yesterday, one of our clients completed his bingo board and was the first one to black it out! I still have eight more squares, so I'm impressed! But here's to the next 100! 
Read some of my other posts about Pure Barre:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ten on Ten :: September 2014

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!

It's that time of year when it's freezing in the mornings and sweltering in the afternoons. So my outfit was only comfy and cozy for half the day.

It was cold and rainy this morning. And I woke up with a sore throat, which always makes me want a hot chai from Starbucks.

I love my planner and I love getting my next month in order early.

I had to notarize some documents at work today. I won't lie, it's my favorite part of my job.

King Soopers recently put in a made-to-order sushi bar. I can't complain. I also recently started watching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. I'm two seasons in, but I'm not totally hooked yet.

Just like September 10, 2013, there were puddles all over the parking lot. Here's hoping that doesn't lead to days of floods again.

I've been playing fantasy football this year. Two weeks in and I'm obsessed. Last week I got the trophy for the worst loss, but I'm projected to win this week.  Yay!

 I always get excited when I see this special tubes in the studio. Pure Barre kicked my seat today. And I needed it.

There's nothing better than a Colorado sunset. I wish I had my camera on the drive home because my phone doesn't do it justice.

Nothing makes a bath better than these red velvet cupcakes.

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