Friday, October 10, 2014

Ten on Ten :: October 2014

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!

Breakfast this week has been the bomb.

Are Peter Pan collars still in? I haven't worn this shirt since 2013.
{Similar Blouse}

I'm so glad I finally bought dry shampoo. With my new(ish) bangs, it's a must.
{Dry Shampoo}

My Erin Condren planner came last week and my eye doctor has already scheduled my 2015 check up.

It was (past) time for an oil change. My baby is getting up there! 216,000 miles!

The top five finalists for my new glasses. So exciting!
{Chamberlain | Beckett | Crane | Welty | Baxter Ti

Yeah, it's fall.

I finally was able to cross "go to tailor" off my to-do list. Can't wait to get these back!

Since I was right by TJ's, I had to stop in for more Pumpkin O's. I also picked up some flowers for Casey's grandma.

 Crunchy leaves under my riding boots. What more does a fall afternoon need?

ten on ten button

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