Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ten on Ten :: June 2014

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!

 Picked up some $2 burritos for breakfast the rest of the week. They're delicious!

Ever since I started my budget, I've been obsessed with "crunching the numbers".

Argon, one of my sweet foster kittens.

I'm starting a teatox tomorrow!

 Outshine popsicles make for the best after work snack.

I'll never get used to being able to see these from the front desk at Pure Barre.

Did I mention I work the front desk two days a week at Pure Barre Boulder now. I love it.

Sarah kicked my seat in the 6:35 class!

A beautiful sunset on the way home for the second night in a row. I love Colorado.

Ending the night with dinner (popcorn), a kitten (Neon), and Netflix. Don't tell me what happens in season two! I'm rewatching season one first!


  1. What a sweet kitten! How did you become a foster parent for rescued animals?

  2. Yay for EC planners & budget envelopes! :) And I love that sweet lil black kitten... reminds me of my cat Cocoa (so original, I know!) we had growing up!
