Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ten on Ten :: January 2013

Ten on Ten: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!

After completing my first full year of Ten on Ten in 2012 (due to major slacking in 2011 and joining in late in 2010), I'm determined to keep my streak alive!  Unfortunately, I left my camera and wasn't planning on doing an Instagram set again.  Alas...

For when I slack on breakfast.  Which, you know, is everyday.

A new file to open and this one is going to be a doozy!

Updating my planner.

Sometimes, I just can't resist.

Since it was a grey and gloomy day, I wore all grey and black.

Drink more water!

My favorite kind of mail.

A walk around a frozen lake at sunset.

So excited that the blazer I bought with my Gap gift card arrived today! 

I tagged all the hangers in my closet to remove as I wear everything.

{Link up here.} 

January 2011 | January 2012

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Follow me on Instagram @HannahLarson42.