Monday, September 10, 2012

Ten on Ten :: September 2012

Ten on Ten: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!

 8:00AM - Because my face got so burned this weekend, I've actually been using some powder to tone down the red a bit.

9:00AM - It looks like I had a visitor over the weekend, who left me lovely notes.

 10:00AM - Breakfast on the go.

11:00AM - I finally started Emily Giffin's new book!

12:00PM - Sam took 30 for 30 pictures for me right when these boys came out into the field to play.  Awkward!

 1:00PM - Back at the office.

2:00PM - Updating Timeslips, my newest duty at the office.

3:00PM - I had to represent Denver this afternoon since we delivered Pittsburgh some more hurt last night.

4:00PM - I'm basically just in love with my state.  Does any one else have this in their back yard?

 5:00PM - I finally got around to seeing Lawless and it did not disappoint!

{Link up here.}

Follow me on Instagram: @HannahLarson42